Why Should You Get a Vocal Coach? Top 5 Benefits

The Most  Accurate Vocal Diagnostics :

 A vocal coach is your very own personal specialist who understands your voice  and every single facet of it more than anyone, more than even you. Your vocal coach will CORRECTLY identify your strengths , weaknesses, the muscular and other physical obstacles that you may not even be aware of or understand how to fix.

Best Time Saving Tool

We often fall prey to self diagnosis, or we watch voice training videos that we think contain magic solutions to the issues we assume we have. We spend hours doing exercises that are nothing but a waste of time when we could be using the same time to work on specific parts  of our voice that could help in our progress as a vocalist. The truth is what works for someone else may not work for you at all. The truth is that we all are vocally and physically unique and therefore what we need to better our voices also is subjective and unique. Your Vocal Coach knows how YOU produce sound, what muscles YOU have a tendency to use or not use. Sometimes something as simple as tweaking your physical form or practicing a particular exercise that is tailor made for YOU based on how YOU function as a singer  can offer solutions to issues that you face , thereby saving you precious time you may have otherwise spent on research and then on trial and error.

Invest in your Investor

Your Vocal coach is the only person besides YOU who will be unconditionally  invested in your progress as a vocalist. It requires enormous amounts of patience, work, focus, motivation and love to cultivate any art. Your Vocal coach is trained to hold your hand through this journey and be your guide, mentor and friend. Your coach is knowledgeable about not only the techniques that you need to develop but is knowledgeable about who YOU are as a person. 

The Fringe benefits

Having a good voice is not enough. Being a brilliant singer is not enough. In today’s world presentation is key in your journey as a singer. Your Vocal Coach knows this and will train you to develop the stage personality to embellish your voice. How to conduct yourself on stage, how to use a microphone, how to connect with your audience, how to sing without a microphone, how to prepare for an audition,  dealing with things like stage fright, and so many other things to develop the art of singing in a more rounded way. Your Vocal Coach will train your voice and groom your personality to be the best version of the artistic YOU.

Be served on a platter

“ How on earth do I practice! What do I practice! Voice control, modulation techniques, projection, vibrato, range , muscle control, ear training, vocal consistency, voice styles, changing styles, modifying voice quality, vocal stability, vocal placement, microphone types, microphone usage, breathing techniques , muscle failure, failure itself, audition preparations, oof! etc etc etc etc. It’s too much! It’s like a million ingredients! If only someone would cook a delicious meal with all of this according to my taste and serve it on a platter ! 


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