What You Will Learn

Singing is a way of self expression. But do we really express our true self when we sing? In fact, do we really express our true selves even when we talk? How many times have you recorded your voice on tape or even your answering machine & then kept re-recording it because you felt like it’s really not YOU? The fact is that we rarely take time out to work on the single, most often used powerful communication tool – Our Voice. The tool that we use to reach out to our immediate world!! The tool that introduces YOU to the world.

Singing is just an extension of talking. If you can talk…you can most certainly sing. Training your voice brings out the riches of your personality right out in the open through your voice. You could be singing or just talking, voice training & music embellishes your voice to make it more expressive and more YOU. It’s like a beautiful painting behind a transparent curtain, You already have all the ingredients within you, training just uncovers the entire picture and each and every part of the picture, the colors, the hues & small intricate details become visible.

Voice Culture Expert Dipali provides a unique student specific curriculum aimed at uncovering YOUR unique potential as a singer. Dipali has combined the art of theatre & music to create a completely unique experience for YOU, even while you sing in the bathroom!! Even when you talk! Those who have seen her perform or have met her in person, vouch for it. Each session is carefully customized for the student keeping in mind individual skill level, personality & interest. Students have felt changes even in their talking voice immediately after beginning voice training sessions with Voice Culture Expert Dipali. Voice training is a great confidence booster, notably in younger age groups.

Voice Culture Expert Dipali enrolls both adults & children (starting from age 5).

Students learn the following, each of which is molded to fit individual needs:

Sing Right

  • Discover YOUR own voice
  • The correct technique to sing.
  • Relaxing your mind & body to sing with ease & comfort
  • Freeing your voice
  • Pitching
  • The right way to listen!
Vocal Emotional Expression Techniques & Vocal Theatrics to bring life & emotion to their singing
  • Bring passion to a song
  • Feeling the song
  • Dramatization techniques
  • Familiarization of the song
  • The right way to rehearse
Sing a range of music styles from folk to light classical songs to light film songs.
  • Learn songs that YOU like, in addition to an assortment of songs in styles that will suit your voice
  • Recordings are done regularly to document the students progress
  • Introduction to Indian Classical Music – A Practical based Introduction – Raags & Taal
  • Indian Music & Spirituality – An Introduction
  • Singing with the Tanpura
  • Singing with the Tabla
  • Application of classical kans, murkis, meends, andolans, gamak and harkats in light music. (Hindi film songs/bhajans/folk etc.)
Singing with live music:
  • Lead the Vocals with musicians, how to improvise, cover up a mistake,
  • Monitoring your voice even you can’t hear yourself over the music
  • Listening to the musicians
  • Improvising
Sing with Karaoke music
  • The correct way to learn a karaoke song
  • Following the track
  • Familiarization techniques
  • What to do when you skip a beat!
Voice Exercises, Voice Control & Vocal Techniques
  • Voice warm ups
  • Gaining muscle control
  • Training the throat to relax
  • Exercises to free vocal tension
  • Exercises to increase your range
  • Exercises to hone your personal singing style and voice
  • Voice modulation techniques
  • Vibrato & techniques to master it
  • Hearing right
  • Learn how to sing the kan, murkis, meends, andolans, gamak and harkats in Indian music
  • Exercises for voice stability even while moving
How to Sing Using a Microphone
  • Microphone types
  • The right technique to hold the microphone
  • Voice modulation to ensure voice consistency on the mic
  • Breathing techniques on the mic
  • Problem solving
  • Singing while on the move
  • Recordings are done & students listen to themselves to familiarize and fix glitches
Voice Projection Techniques With & Without a Microphone
  • Throwing your voice
  • Directing the voice
  • Building vocal power
  • Building vocal volume
  • Sustaining notes
Performance Techniques to Sing in Front of an Audience With Confidence, Like a Performer!
  • Body language
  • Overcoming stage fright
  • Familiarization techniques on & off stage
  • Audience: defining the audience, identifying pulse of the audience, Interacting in different ways & at the right moments
  • Creating drama on stage
  • Sing while moving around
  • Stage presence & confidence techniques
  • Strong vs. weak stage performance
  • How to make mistakes disappear!

and much more…..

For children, the curriculum is especially crafted keeping in mind each child’s interest, temperament & skill level. Again, the focus is to make the musical journey a positive fun experience that leaves a lasting impression & brings out the best in each student. Parents have thanked Dipali for positive personality changes in their children after these sessions. Kids enjoy these sessions so much that there have been instances of kids sacrificing their playdates to attend class!

For adults, too, the curriculum is customized to learn music in a warm, positive, fun learning environment & experience the joy of re-discovering oneself through VOICE. Students have described these sessions as “cathartic,” “meditative,” & ” the best day of the week.”

To start with, group sessions of no more than 2 students at a time are available. Voice Culture Expert Dipali focuses on the need to cater to specific needs of each student. Larger groups do not allow for that and often the potential of the individual is left unexploited. “Personal attention ” is the key. Once the student gets to learn the basics and reaches an advanced level where he can only benefit from a group session then groups of similar skill level students are created and sessions are conducted accordingly.

Each session is for a duration of one hour. Various training tools are employed during the session keeping in mind individual requirements. The focus is always on YOU, YOUR specific needs and songs that YOU like.

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