You should look and feel “Comfortably confident” in whatever attire you choose.
Wear comfortable clothes that stand out and also complement your body type. Dress up in something that makes you feel confident but always dress comfortably. Clothes don’t have to be flashy to stand out, they just need to be different. For example, If you are performing at an Indian wedding where mostly everyone will be wearing traditional clothing then wear something non traditional but formal so that you don’t merge into the guests and can be identified from a distance. If you are performing in an auditorium, you can wear anything you like that makes you look good and feel confident. Comfortable Shoes are also very important . Wear shoes that enhance your posture but don’t tire or bite you.
When we talk, we never have to think about what to do with our hands and body. The movements that our body and hands make are in sync with what we are saying, automatically. That’s exactly how it is for singing.
Singing is a means of communication. It is like a conversation. If you are engaged in your song then it is exactly like speaking. Our body and hands will take over, as long as we are not thinking about them and only engaged in what we are singing. Loosen up the body and don’t think of where your hands should be, don’t hold it down and make it stiff. Let it be loose and allow yourself the freedom to use it. The rest will become an automatic process and your whole being will cohesively sing your songs.