Why are vocal exercises so important?

Think of the voice of your favorite singer. Think of their tone, the nuances, their range, the little things that their voice does, the clarity, the sheer beauty of their texture, the rainbow that their voice is! 

How healthy, How fit and How Trained ! 

What if your voice was as healthy, as fit, as trained?

 Ah! the endless possibilities!  

Vocal exercises open the doors to limitless possibilities for a vocalist. 

  1. Vocal Exercises allow the voice to explore, learn, adopt and articulate new and challenging techniques. 

Have you ever listened to a singer doing  something really complex with their voice and said to yourself : “if only I could do something like this!” 

The fact is YES YOU CAN!

The voice is an amazingly versatile and malleable tool. It can be trained to do complex gymnastics and mind boggling complex movements. Vocal exercises open the potential for the voice to the world of vocal complexities. Correct exercises and training allow the voice to accomplish intricacies and vocal acrobatics that would otherwise not be possible at all.

  1. Vocal Exercises enable a well maintained, healthy voice and prevent vocal abuse. 

Have you ever spent a night with your friends singing just for fun, or singing at a professional gig, or just practicing and ended up with a sore throat or vocal fatigue or a hoarse voice? or feel that you  have been unable to sing the way you used to before? Vocal exercises ensure that this doesn’t happen. Your voice remains regularly trained and healthy enough to endure any vocal situation. They increase vocal stamina and strength and  protect your voice from injury. Bad singing habits, abuse and incorrect usage of the voice can result in injury and damage to the vocal mechanism. Sometimes if not addressed, this damage can even become irreversible. Vocal exercises prevent this and when practiced regularly provide vocal protection and develop  good vocal habits which in turn ensure more strength and stamina for the voice. 

3.Vocal Exercises train the voice for correct and efficient usage. 

Voice production is an intricate and complex process of the human body. We rarely dwell on it but the truth is that it requires as much care and nurturing as the rest of our body , especially for a vocalist and more so the professional vocalist whose livelihood  depends on this. Vocal exercises train the vocalist to use this complex vocal mechanism correctly and efficiently for better vocal ability and endurance.

  1. Vocal exercises prepare a vocalist to deal with challenging situations.

Have you ever felt your throat going dry in the middle of a gig? or struggled to hit a high note which you are normally used to singing ? or have your voice cracked or break in the middle of a song? or have a microphone make you sound weird? or ruined your performance because the acoustics of the venue were just not right? or suddenly have a panic attack before or during a performance? Vocal exercises prepare and train you to tweak your voice, identify the area of issue and find an immediate solution. 

  1. Vocal exercises hand YOU the control of YOUR voice.

Vocal exercises give you the ability to decide how far you to take your voice. The work that you are able and willing to invest in building your voice is now in your hands. The skill level that you want your voice to have is also in your control if you practice vocal exercises.

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